Chalk the Rock spreads positivity in wake of election
By ,
  • “We All Care” was written right in front of the Kresge doors. Most of the messages were intended to ensure students who may feel fear or anxiety at the results of the election that the Northwestern community stands with them.
  • Weinberg freshman Adam Davies wrote a long message addressed to almost every community, marginalized or privileged, complete with a transgender flag to celebrate Transgender Awareness Week, which is this week.
  • Students spread messages of love to the walkway in front of Kresge Hall but avoided painting on the building’s walls.
  • In response to words and actions taken against the LGBTQ community this year, a student writes “Queer Folk In the Closet or Out...You Fucking Rock.”
  • Some messages were political but inclusive.
  • The messages were intended to be as non-political as possible in order to assure students that regardless of political climate, basic human decency can prevail.
  • A student draws “women are PEOPLE” on the ground near the Rock.
  • Pattis provided the chalk, and the students who showed up went to work.
  • Weinberg junior Michael Pattis speaks to students gathered at the Rock. Pattis organized “Chalk the Rock” because he wanted to spread positivity in the face of an overtly negative election.
Photos by Alex Schwartz / North by Northwestern

At midnight on Tuesday, a group of Northwestern students gathered at the Rock to chalk up some positivity following an emotional week on campus. After the election results on Nov. 8, Weinberg junior Michael Pattis recognized the need for students to see some positive messages, especially ones of inclusion and love. He created the event, which he called “Chalk the Rock,” and urged students to cover south campus with colorful notes, quotes and drawings. Those who came worked fervently under the cover of darkness to make sure the Northwestern community had something to smile about the next day.

Video by Kira Fahmy / North by Northwestern


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