Celebrate equality during Rainbow Week...Rainbow Alliance, May 14-15


    Rainbow Week – Celebrate equality. Schedule and information from NU Link:
    Monday, Tech, 11 a.m. – a string quartet in front of Tech playing next to marriage equality photos.
    Tuesday, Chicago Room of Norris, 2 p.m.- “What can your organization do to be truly inclusive of bisexual and transgendered people? Open to everyone. This workshop will be presented by Robyn Ochs, an internationally renowned bisexual activist.”

  • Annenberg G15, 7 p.m. – “Our keynote speaker for Rainbow Week, Robyn Ochs, is an internationally renowned bisexual activist. Join Robyn in an interactive presentation on the myths and realities of bisexuality.”
  • Annenberg G31, 4 p.m. – Activism prevention burnout workshop by Robyn Ochs.
  • Wednesday, Swift 107, 6 p.m. – “What are the ethics of passing as a heterosexual if one is LGBT? The paneled discussion will be moderated by Kelby Harrison, PhD Candidate in Philosophy, President of Northwestern’s Queer Pride Graduate Association, and Chicagoland LGBT Student of the Year.”
    Thursday, Seabury-Western Lounge (2122 Sheridan), 7 p.m. – “How is the Episcopal Church’s growing embrace of LGBT people affecting the identity of the church and its proclamation of the Gospel? Presented by Liz Stedman, Chaplain to Canterbury Northwestern.”

  • Lakefill, 9:30 p.m. – Bonfire at the Lakefill. “Join us at the Lakefill for s’mores and an outdoor showing of Transgeneration. Free food, good people, great scenery.”
  • Friday, Bat 17 (1709 Benson), 10:30 p.m. – Bar Night at Bat 17, Evanston’s newest bar. 18 to dance, 21 to drink. $5 at the door.


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