Campus Tales: On Sheridan Road

    Video by Emma Kumer

    This is part one of our new series called “Campus Tales.” Everyone has a story, and so does every building on this campus. Read stories about NU’s campus buildings, in all kinds of shapes and forms – available in different genres for different locations.

    Location: Sheridan Road

    Genre: Children’s Book

    Stories abound on Sheridan Road. You’re walking alone, surrounded by friends, hungry, full, going to class, going to parties, doing the walk of shame after a party or pounding the pavement up to Tech for a 9 a.m. class. You’re biking or rollerblading, scootering or skating, listening to hip hop or classical or pop, but the one thing that you have in common with the 8,000 other undergraduates here is that you’re on your way to somewhere. This poem in the style of a children’s book tries to capture some of that hectic daily grind while also reminding the reader that each person you bump into on the road has their own issues.

    It is late in the night, but the ‘Cats are still walking,

    Under fluorescent light and down Sheridan, talking

    Of classes and crushes and parties and profs,

    On the road where nothing quite ever turns off.

    The signs say 35, but who knows what the cars go.

    The bikers just strive to avoid hitting elbows

    As they weave, brake and shout “On your left!” (or not)

    On the road where speeding doesn’t seem to get caught.

    It’s now bright and early and Sheridan’s re-filling

    With bedheads so curly and only half-willing

    To note-take and test-take soon after they travel

    On the road where students are common as gravel.

    Right opposite Deering, two voices in the crowd

    Take over one’s hearing, it’s really that loud:

    They aren’t discussing some sweet children’s story

    On the road where all feelings are fair territory…

    “I saw you at Norris with some random chick!”

    No, she can’t endure his super-smooth shtick –

    She saw flirting at Norbucks; now everyone knows

    On the road where each sidewalk has seen highs and lows.

    The cars rumble on as Foster’s light turns green.

    The ‘Cats stumble on through the daily ravine

    Between sleeping and studying. Nobody cares

    On the road where ‘keep moving’ is more common than stares

    ‘Cause they’re going to class and they don’t give a hoot

    About some boy’s trespass and some girl’s rebuke

    And the sidewalks have cleared and the couple’s alone

    On the road where “together”’s beside “on your own”.

    “Hey, I swear she’s a friend, someone from my PA group!

    Don’t make this the end,” says the guy, and then she droops,

    Wanting just to believe, getting tired of fighting

    On the road where purple stories all get their rewriting.

    They kiss and make peace and agree this was dumb.

    She shrugs on his fleece and he gives her some gum,

    And they head down south campus under oak, elm and larch,

    On the noble road crowned by a great graceful arch.


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