A breakdown of student group funding

    Remember that student activities fee you pay at the beginning of each quarter?

    Yeah, neither did we.

    Well, that's the money funneled to the majority of Northwestern-recognized student groups, said Jeremy Yablon, financial vice president of the Associated Student Government. So you can thank Mom and Dad (or whoever pays your tuition) for subsidizing the costs of bringing the likes of Mr. Fiasco to campus.

    There’s a hierarchy in ASG's funding method: organizations must achieve either A-status or B-status from ASG in order to receive any type of funding. A groups, like A&O and Hillel, receive the big bucks from ASG, while smaller organizations are classified as B groups. The graph below represents the dollars ASG allocated to A-status groups for the 2011-12 academic year. Select multiple groups or categories to see how they stack up.

    Production by Katherine Mirani and Katie Park / North by Northwestern.


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