Weekly 2k12 Roundup: January 9-18

    Unless you were glued to your Twitter feed this week, you probably missed something. If you did, North By Northwestern has you covered. Here’s what you didn’t catch from this week in the GOP ’12 field.

    再見/再见, Jon Huntsman
    Reasonable people everywhere died a little bit when intellectual darling of the GOP for this election cycle left the race after a less-than-stellar New Hampshire performance. Huntsman sealed his “Dear John” to the presidential primary with a nod to Mitt Romney, fellow Mormon and the man who would defeat Obama, according to Huntsman.

    New Hampshire Primary
    Speaking of which, the New Hampshire primary results served as a distinct foil for the totally different Iowa results, with Santorum and Gingrich tying at less than 10 percent each. Romney came in with a much more distinctive lead here, and it would seem to set him up for a much more feasible position as November draws nearer.

    Looking Forward to South Carolina
    Candidates are gearing up for the January 21 South Carolina primary. As the prospies look forward, The New York Times projects Romney to have a 72 percent chance of winning. Also, the best super PAC ad you will ever see just ran in South Carolina, as Stephen Colbert gears up to not run for president.


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