Best of the Rest: Wednesday, Oct. 12


    NBN's News Section finds the most relevant news from the nation's college papers. Know about it there before it shows up here.


    DOGS IN THE DORM The day’s most interesting higher education news came not from a college paper but from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Their press release announced Tuesday: (the emphasis is mine)

    The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced today that it is charging the University of Nebraska at Kearney and five of its employees with violating the Fair Housing Act when they refused to grant a student permission to have a therapy dog live in her University-owned apartment and illegally inquired into the nature and severity of the student’s disabilities. The student, who required the dog in order to cope with depression and anxiety, was seeking an exception to the University’s no-pet policy as a disability-related “reasonable accommodation” under the Fair Housing Act.

    DARTMOUTH'S DEBATE Last night’s debate between the major Republican candidates for US President was held on the campus of Dartmouth College, and the Dartmouth, accordingly, led with extensive coverage:

    Eight of 10 declared Republican presidential hopefuls descended on the College yesterday to outline their fiscal policies in the economy-centric debate hosted in Spaulding Auditorium from 8 to 10 p.m.

    That’s from their front page story about the debate, which has a headline so Ivy League it could be pardoy: "Candidates discuss economy-related topics in civil manner."

    Charlie Rose, the moderator of the night's debate, led an event afterwards for students; the most interesting comment to emerge from that was about the form of the discussion:

    Rose said his debate’s round table setup — which he called “the kind of kitchen table where families for generations have come together to talk and solve their problems” — is a better format than the line of individual podiums traditionally used in political debates.

    “I think it’s better when they can see each other up close,” Rose said.

    PELL MELL The Illinois Connection, an organization at the University of Illinois whose name sounds like a certain famous failed social network's, is encouraging students to write letters to the US Congress “in concern” about proposed changes to the Pell Grant system. Yesterday, Dan Holtmeyer at the Nebraskan took a good look at those proposed changes.

    YOUR FEDERAL RESEARCH DOLLARS AT WORK Oh, to be in business school academe. According to today's Crimson, a Harvard Business School researcher has found “[r]estaurants whose Yelp ratings increase by one star can expect to see their revenue increase by more than five percent.” 


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