Best of the Rest: Friday, Oct. 7

    Every day, NBN's News Section finds the most relevant news from the nation's college papers. Know about it there before it shows up here.

    TITLE IX IN EVERY SPACE The day’s sleeper campus news. Both the Yale Daily News and Michigan Daily lead with coverage of their universities’s changing sexual harassment policies. Michigan plans to, at least for the time being, “lower the required standard of evidence” and Yale will likely “amplify the definitions of sexual misconduct.” The Yale Daily News’s Antonia Woodward explains why those changes matter, and why we might soon see something similar at Northwestern:

    As of this spring, Yale, Princeton University, Duke University, Harvard Law School and the University of Virginia were all under investigation by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights for alleged violations of federal Title IX regulations. Complaints filed against the schools accused them of using inappropriately high standards of evidence to prove sexual misconduct and of failing to resolve sexual misconduct cases promptly. These universities, including Yale, are now changing their sexual misconduct policies — but Title IX experts said some are adjusting more quickly than others.

    HOW GOOD IS ROBINSON? Also writing at the Michigan Daily, Sports Editor Stephen J. Nesbitt (what a name!) breaks down this weekend’s Northwestern-Michigan game at Ryan Field, from the visitors’ perspective. Nesbitt is ultimately wrong, of course--he predicts Michigan to win--but perhaps his analysis will help you become an educated fan. (Of course NBN’s own Sports Editor, Stanley Kay, explains it here.)

    OCCUPY THE QUADRANGLE Campus versions of the Occupy Wall Street protests have spread. According to today’s papers, students led or participated in protests in BostonPhiladelphiaMinneapolisProvidence, R.I.Ann Arbor, MichChapel Hill, N.C. and Iowa City, IowaThe Daily Iowan has perhaps the most interesting coverage: its headline declares "Occupy Iowa ignores several [Iowa City] ordinances." There is such a thing as civil disobedience, you know.

    By Friday afternoon, a messy site called “Occupy Colleges” listed some 75 colleges said to be participating. 

    RIP STEVE Every college daily seems to have a story about the death of Apple founder and Board President Stephen P. Jobs, but Reed College’s—even if it does resound in self-important grandeur—reveals the most about the man.


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