Before You Leave

    Any senior will tell you to make the most of your time here. But what does that really mean? NBN asked the Class of 2015 to tell us. Seniors shared favorite experiences they’ve crossed off the list and others they hope to accomplish before graduation. Northwestern undergrads, here is the bucket list you’ve been waiting for.

    1. Get on the rooftops of Northwestern buildings. – Charlie Scott, School of Communication

    2. Have sex on the soccer field. – Ali Herman, Medill

    3. Run a half-marathon along Lakefront Trail. – Storm Heidinger, Weinberg

    4. Explore the steam tunnels in Tech. – Nick DiMaso, Weinberg

    5. Spend the night in Norris. – Scott Egleston, School of Communication

    6. Go on an apartment crawl. – Stephen Piotrkowski, Medill

    7. Visit each Chicago neighborhood for a day. – Andrew Sonta, McCormick

    8. Sleep on the Lakefill. – Heidinger

    9. Go skinny-dipping in the lake. – Herman

    10. Visit Indiana Dunes State Park. – Heidinger

    11. Sail or paddleboard on the lake. – DiMaso

    12. Attend an abandoned warehouse glitter party. – Aileen McGraw, School of Communication

    13. Have a full load of exclusively purple laundry. – Scott

    14. Go downtown for St. Patty’s Day. – Piotrkowski

    15. Troll a tour. – Herman


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