Beat boring dorm bed action -- try the roof of Tech

    No parents and lots of crazy nights out at your favorite bars or frats makes for lots of boys and girls ready to get their freak on. And what’s on everyone’s mind? Sex! Lots of crazy, uninhibited, non-committal sex. However, a lot of us still have roommates – or maybe you’re just bored of missionary on your twin bed every night. So what do you do? Spice it up around campus! But beware, some of these places are outside, so you might be that couple who everyone saw sexing it up by the library. Maybe that’s part of the thrill. Just be careful: aside from the risk of flashing your Intro to Psych class, you could be putting your sexual health at risk.

    In the dorms

    1. Your dorm bed. This seems obvious, but unless your roommate is a hermit who never leaves the room, this is probably the easiest and safest option. And although the beds are small, you can get pretty creative in them, so use your imagination. Just remember to lock your door and have some signal with your roommate so your new floormates don’t see more of you than you’d like. And I know you already have your beds chosen, but a word of warning: top bunks squeak more than bottom bunks, even if your beds are debunked.
    2. Your roommate’s bed. This is just bad form, guys. Don’t do it.
    3. Dorm showers. Shower sex sounds hot, but technically it’s pretty difficult, especially in the dark, minuscule showers in Sargent or Bobb. And who knows what nastiness is lurking in the crevices waiting to creep onto your naked body. But if you can get past the cramped space and the clumps of hair on the floor (wear your shower shoes!), just be aware of some of the risks of sex in water. Water washes away natural lubrication as well as the water-based lube on condoms and in most typical lubricants (KY, Astroglide, etc.) This makes sex uncomfortable and dry. In rare cases, the friction on the condom can cause it to break. If you just can’t resist the water, stay away from oil-based lubricants. Silicone-based lubricants like KY Intrigue and Sliquid Silver are both water and condom safe.
    4. The basement lounge of your dorm. If you choose to defile the couches in the basement, you risk the intrusion of not only other drunk revelers, but also CAs, who are required to check these lounges periodically. If you still get down and dirty, here are a few more things to consider. Crabs (small, crab-shaped parasites that burrow into the skin to feed on blood) can be passed through fabric that your nether regions touch. Another little known Sexually Transmitted Infection is Molluscum contagiosum (or water warts, a common viral infection resulting in a skin disease that presents itself as small pearl-shaped papules), which can also be passed through bedding (or couches). Basically, you don’t know who else has been boffing in the basement over the years – or how often the couches are cleaned. Consider bringing your own towel or blanket. Then your only risk will be putting on a show for late night wanderers.

    One step further

    1. Deering Field. There are lots of bushes and places to hide, but in the middle of the night, your bare bum might really shine like the full moon if your backside is a little pale. Be quiet or the guys walking back to the frats might think Northwestern has its very own werewolves.
    2. Lakefill rocks. The waves probably will mask your uninhibited randy noises, but rocks aren’t the softest surface for romping. I would recommend girl-on-top, but ladies, watch out for knee burn. Unless you’re a great storyteller, anyone seeing your red, raw, bleeding knees will know what you were up to last night.
    3. Tech’s roof. Okay, definitely gets some points for daring and thrill. But students aren’t allowed to be up there, especially at night, so if you get caught with your pants down the consequences could be severe.
    4. Fraternity chapter rooms. I’m not sure if this goes against any frat rules, but it’s definitely been done. It’s quiet, convenient and usually the doors lock. A word of caution: you may become the subject of some frat’s listserv.
    5. The bathroom of the Keg. The epitome of class. Although public bathrooms are surprisingly safe STI-wise, do you really want to have an audience of 50 drunk girls who really have to pee?

    So go have fun, get a little freaky someplace new and be safe!

    Sarah Crocker is a contributor from Sexual Health and Assault Peer Education.


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