5 fast facts about Warren Buffett
    Buffett, probably saying smart stuff about money. Photo by thetaxhaven/Licensed under Creative Commons via Flickr

    Long known as the "Oracle of Omaha," Warren Buffett has spent the majority of his 85 years showing the kind of business savvy that any Kellogg student would drool over. He often demonstrates an intellectual sharpness that's made him the third-richest person in the world as of 2015, a level of mental edge that's hard to come by in Block 10. Learn more about Buffett as he shares his wisdom with the beleaguered dancer masses.

    • He lives in a $31,500 home. You'd expect a guy who's currently worth $61 billion to have lavish digs in cities around the globe. You'd be wrong: Buffett still lives in a five-bedroom stucco home in Omaha, Nebraska first purchased in 1957. It's possibly his most sound investment he ever made.
    • His diet is ... questionable. To outside observers, it appears that Buffett has a serious Coke problem. His daily intake includes a minimum of five 12-ounce Cokes, surely enough to keep him wired and jittery as he plots his next big investment. For Buffett, even drinking Coke is a smart investment strategy: with a large amount of shares in the soda company, every drink is money back in his own pocket. Now that's fiscal prudence.
    • He's an avid reader. What does one of the world's wealthiest individuals do with his time? In an interview for The Week, Buffett revealed that at work, "I just sit in my office and read all day." According to process, the process of reading complicated material day in and day out adds up in a way only a business guru would describe: "That's how knowledge builds up, like compound interest," he said.
    • He cares more about love than money. While Buffett could easily spend his days Scrooge McDuck style, swimming in endless pools of his own fortune, the billionare considers his personal life as a better indicator of success. Asked how he measured success, he told an audience, “I measure success by how many people love me. And the best way to be loved is to be loveable.”
    • He made bank as a teenager. Many Northwestern students worked dutifully in high school, saving up funds to pay for college. But they've got nothing on Buffett: between delivering the Washington Post, fixing pinball machines, selling used golf balls and running a horse track, he managed to save $53,000 by age 16. Even if he never made another penny, it would have been quite the accomplishment.


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