5 fast facts about Jimmy Butler

    Star Chicago Bulls guard Jimmy Butler makes his appearance in Block 9. The basketball star has become a Chicago mainstay as fellow Bulls star Derrick Rose has been in and out of the lineup. To celebrate his appearance, here's some facts about the popular player.

    • He doesn't like to look back ... literally. Butler had a rough childhood: his dad left his family at a young age, and his mom kicked him out of the house at age 13. Understandably, it's a past he chooses to not look back on too much. But he carries that out in some surprising ways, namely by removing the rearview mirror from his car. Perhaps a bit literal, and maybe somewhat unsafe, but still a bold move.
    • He buys people's groceries. From his turbulent childhood, Butler has learned to appreciate life and always think of others. This manifests itself every time he goes grocery shopping, where he always buys groceries for the person behind him. He told Chicago Magazine, “I don’t care how many groceries they have. It could be a 99-cent ice-cream cone or a $2,000 grocery bill."
    • He won the Most Improved Player award. Drafted in 2011, Butler struggled to make a strong mark on the Bulls for the first couple years of his career. That all changed during the 2014-15 season, when his 20 points per game were good enough to land him on the All Star team, as well as winning the Most Improved Player award. Now if only they offered a Most Improved Dancer award.
    • He likes to unplug. Between seasons during the summer of 2014, Butler and some friends rented a house together. Rather than installing cable or internet, the group decided to work out or play basketball when they got bored. Pretty impressive.
    • He has the most ridiculous aquarium of all time. When life gives you a 5-year, $95 million contract, what does one do with it? If you're Jimmy Butler, you install a larger-than-life 600-gallon saltwater aquarium in the shape of a boombox. Because what else would one do with that kind of money?


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