Stories by Zoe Pearl

Three writers weigh in on the hottest trends from the '90s to get you ready for the Homecoming game.

Zoe Pearl,

"Xavier, 19, is terrified of rollercoasters, holds farting contests with his aunts and once pleasured himself using a pizza."

Zoe Pearl,

Shia LaBeouf leads a stranger life than you'd imagine.

Zoe Pearl,

"The vibration in my pocket from an affectionate text message could hardly replace the buzzing sensation of a kiss."

Zoe Pearl,

It's no epic TV drama, but Awkward. does offer a witty take on cheesy high school sitcoms.

Zoe Pearl,

Why stop at Boy Meets World? Here are some shows that could be re-introduced, with a twist.

Zoe Pearl,

Ah, the token Halloween episodes, full of goblins, ghouls, and scariest of all, relationships.

Zoe Pearl,

The doorbell rings and the gang is greeted by the new neighbors, four trendy 20-somethings who look straight off the pages of an Urban Outfitters catalogue.

Zoe Pearl,

Schmidt and Winston eventually con their way inside by convincing the bouncer that Schmidt is one of presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s sons.