Stories by Henry Sellers

Henry Sellers,

Stars and French Horn Rebellion, sponsored by One Voice, raised awareness of human trafficking on Norris' East lawn with a sublime concert.

Henry Sellers,

A one-man play kicked off NU's "One Book, One Northwestern" program on Thursday.

Henry Sellers,

The Jai Alai Savant, new to Chicago, and mock-rock titans Art Brut played at the Subterranean on April 20.

Henry Sellers,

Directors Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino band together to celebrate the softcore 'n gore genre.

Henry Sellers,

WEBSITE: Subterranean DATE OF REVIEW: 2/28/2007 COAT CHECK: $2 on the third floor. CAMERA FRIENDLY: Too camera friendly. Cameras freely ...

Henry Sellers,

The indie rockers played a fun show at Subterranean in Chicago.

Henry Sellers,

Northwestern Class Alliance of '09 sponsored a fair about majors this Monday.

Henry Sellers,

Located right off campus, Bill's Blues has music seven days a week.

Henry Sellers,

Sweating blood with one of NU's craziest hardcore bands.

Henry Sellers,

Dark Messiah: Plenty of hack'n'slash in one of the sexiest, most violent games of the year.

Henry Sellers,

Regina Spektor's voice and chest enraptured the crowd at Chicago's Park West last Sunday.