Stories by Hannah Green

Hannah Green,

Hannah’s abroad in Paris until May 21. I never saw Matt and Kim, one of Brooklyn’s favorite local bands, while ...

Hannah Green,

Hannah’s abroad in Paris until May 21. My friend Vita from Slovenia is here to visit me for the week. ...

Hannah Green,

Hannah’s abroad in Paris until May 21. In Paris, the collective memory is strong. If you are in a spot ...

Hannah Green,

Hannah’s abroad in Paris until May 21. Paris can be difficult. It’s easy to get lost. If you need something ...

Hannah Green,

Hannah’s abroad in Paris until May 21. Inspirer means “inhale” in French. It also means “inspire”. This part of learning ...

Hannah Green,

Hannah’s abroad in Paris until May 21. I watched the Packers win the championship game at a bar not far ...

Hannah Green,

Hannah’s abroad in Paris until May 21. It feels like I’ve been all over the place lately. I arrived in ...

Hannah Green,

On our last night in Bodh Gaya, we meditated at the Maha Bodhi temple while the sun was setting. A ...

Hannah Green,

When you get off the train in India, after 28 hours of feeling the tracks rolling away beneath you as ...

Hannah Green,

Five days ago, the 31 of us all got on different trains to begin our independent studies throughout northern India. ...

Hannah Green,

Last night, on the way back from Mohammad’s restaurant, Heidi and I took the shortcut through the village. The streets ...

Hannah Green,

We are now receiving teachings from our fourth and final mediation teacher, the Venerable Lausang. He is a half-Indian, Oxford ...

Hannah Green,

In America, a morning without coffee was the beginning of an incomplete day for me. In India, I’ve learned to ...

Hannah Green,

I saw someone die in the street last night. During orientation, Robert explained the five Buddhist Precepts to us, and ...

Hannah Green,

On Tuesday afternoon, we could either take a nap or go to the Pragnya School, a K-10 NGO school in ...

Hannah Green,

On Sunday about half of our group got ordained as monks and nuns for the week. The night before, I ...

Hannah Green,

Instead of TV we have haircuts. Ram, the Vihar barber, sits outside the library building after lunch and everyone stands ...

Hannah Green,

Michael Eric Dyson, a Georgetown University professor and the keynote speaker Monday night of the For Members Only event "State of the Black Union," spoke about attitudes toward the black community and called on the audience to push President Obama to address race more often and directly.

Hannah Green,

Tracing the roots of the beloved library

Hannah Green,

Germans from older generations take the differences between East and West Germany more seriously. Smierciak knows West German families who refuse to go to their children’s soccer games held in the former East Germany.

Hannah Green,

This year, Northwestern has received 179 awards totaling $91.9 million under the new federal stimulus program. The university says they will use the money to hire more scientists and further research.

Hannah Green,

To Prajwal Ciryam, a 2006 Weinberg graduate and member of the Honors Program in Medical Education at Northwestern, the process ...

Hannah Green,

According to NUHS, complications with the development and manufacturing of H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccines has delayed their full shipment to campus.

Hannah Green,

Taking a closer look at the artwork and trinkets filling the professor's office.