Time to spread some ASG cheer

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

    No, I don’t mean Dillo season or Snowpocalypse season or Fucksaw season (are people still talking about that?) — I mean ASG campaign season.

    It’s a highly inspirational time when students come together and rally behind the issues most important to them. (We want more shuttles and we want them now!) A time when students are willing to disregard the very real possibility of social suicide and change their Facebook profile pictures to campaign logos. What were once minor concerns become hot-button issues. (No really though, we do need better shuttles.) Before our very eyes, a once dreary campus becomes an electrified, politically polarized hotbed of slogans, slander and scandal.

    Because this could be the year — the year when a new round of ASG members means real changes and real results. Maybe our collective Northwestern experience will finally crystallize into that idealized vision we all have as freshmen about what college is really all about. Or maybe our socially divided campus will finally unite. Greeks and non-Greeks, hipsters and athletes, smart kids and dumb kids (just kidding — we’re all smart, right?) will finally come together in one big purple explosion of hugs and smiles and Wildcat pride.

    So get ready, because this could be the year when ASG makes all our dreams come true. Or the year when all students know what ASG stands for. Or, at least, the year when all students know that yes, Northwestern does have a student government.

    Personally, my hopes and dreams lean less toward a unified Northwestern and more toward free CTA U-Passes. Either way, I’d mostly just like the Evanston Loop to start actually showing up on time, so if somebody can promise me that, they’ve got my vote.


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