Meet our winter 2011 study abroad bloggers

    Last year, nearly 750 Northwestern undergraduates studied abroad in over 45 countries. This quarter, these globetrotters have left winter’s cold in Evanston in favor of Europe. Meet our study abroad bloggers below and read their dispatches from five cities across the continent.

    Hannah Green

    Paris, France | Weinberg junior

    I spent the fall learning to live simply and understand the secrets of the universe by participating in Antioch’s Buddhist Studies program in Bodh Gaya, India. Beginning winter quarter 2011, I will forget everything I learned while living it up in Paris and studying at Sciences Po. Read Hannah’s first post here.

    Sarah Crocker

    Sevilla, Spain | Medill junior

    Hi! I’m Sarah, a Spanish and English major studying in Sevilla the next two quarters. I’m extremely excited to trade the bitter cold of Chicago for the Mediterranean sun, tons of tapas and flamenco dancing. Of course I also hope to improve my Spanish by studying and exploring Sevilla’s famous nightlife. I love to travel, dance and meet new people — although I have no rhythm and still stammer when I speak Spanish; difficulties that should make for some fun stories. Read Sarah’s first post here.

    Noah Aldonas

    Barcelona, Spain| Medill junior

    When you get older, people will question your decision to pick up stakes, pack your bags and fly off to a foreign country. But in college, it is an accepted and encouraged experience. Well, I am here to take advantage of the fact that I am young, adventurous and enrolled at a four-year university. You may call me Alexander Supertramp and I will be your guide to the Mediterranean and Europe for the next six months. But all you really need to know about me is that I am heading East for the first time in a very long time. Read Noah’s first post here.

    Anirudh Malkani

    London, United Kingdom | Weinberg junior
    London: The very ring of it in your ears should invoke visions of Big Ben, Underground signs, murky pubs and maybe even an old Victorian street lamp breaking through the city’s infamous fog. The very ring of it in my ears invokes a bit more. When I hear London I think of old glory: a middle-aged, perpetually raging frat-star who sloppily tells stories of when he ruled the world (which he did). As he is sloshed, there’s no way I can expect him to come to Evanston to teach me his ways, so I’ll have to go to him to hear his story. So why am I really going to London for a year? Maybe because I ate up that Under the Tuscan Sun-let-me-
    find-myself bullshit, but more probably because I want to test the functional capacity of my body in Piccadilly Circus. Read Anirudh’s first post here.

    Emily Liftman

    Florence, Italy | Medill junior
    I am not the first — and I will certainly not be the last — junior from Northwestern to study abroad in Florence and blog about my experience. But maybe I’m the first one from Sugar Land, Texas? Read Emily’s first post here.


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