A guide to Passion Pit

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    So Passion Pit is playing the A&O Ball and now you have to pretend to know about them. Crash course below:

    First, this is an act you do not want to miss. Passion Pit’s concoction of dance-pop electronica is infectious and new, and it is going to make you want to move – even if you don’t do rudimentary homework to prepare for the show. It’s nothing cerebral, but it’s fun. It’s also a favorite of bros with indie-girl fetishes, so you know it’s good.

    Regardless of whether or not you’ve heard Passion Pit before, you are probably still familiar with “Sleepyhead,” the track that put them on the map, which was featured in a commercial for the Palm Pixi. The song has also been the fortunate son/unfortunate victim of several remixes.

    Passion Pit was assembled in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They first released their Chunk of Change EP in 2007, which featured, among others, the frolic-y “Cuddle Fuddle,” the building ballad “Better Things”  and, in case you wanted to hear the whole thing, “Sleepyhead.”

    Manners, Passion Pit’s first full-length album, was released in August, 2009. In addition to a reappearance by “Sleepyhead,” it also features the jangling “Make Light,” the choral kiddie-sounding vocals-laden “Little Secrets” and the now incredibly popular “Reeling.”

    Of course, if you don’t want to watch all these videos, you can always fool your friends into thinking you’re a Passion Pit expert by swaying back-and-forth the entire night while wearing brightly-colored Wayfarer sunglasses, a white v-neck t-shirt and some phat Nike kicks. Extra points if you can pull off the charade without looking like a tool.


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