Beard of the Week #6

    Kevin Fugaro

    Fugaro starred in the title role of the Lovers & Madmen production of King Lear which played at the Shanley Pavillion from Feb. 28 to March 2. In a move the Beard Liberation Front surely would have applauded, Fugaro forsook a false beard and grew one in order to play the part. This will be the final featured beard of the week this quarter, but “although the last, not least.” (King Lear 1.1)

    On growing: “I started growing it during Thanksgiving and didn’t cut my hair for four or five months.”

    On fake beards: “There was the option, but we decided we were going to go all out. I’ve had my self-doubts. I didn’t know if I could do it, but I persevered and refused to shave.”

    On past beard experience: “I had had nothing like that, I mean I looked like fucking [out of] The Iceman Cometh. But it was a good experience.”

    Damn dirty inspiration: “I would say Moses inspired me. Particularly what’s his name…Charlton Heston. Not his personality, I’d say his beard, which I think was fake which is heartbreaking.

    Special thanks to Kana Yoo for the beard tip-off.


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