Cher, shall I compare thee to a cockroach?


    Cher has just committed to a 200-show engagement at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas set to debut May 6, according to CNN. Am I on glue, or didn’t she already make an exit two years ago with her three-year-long “Farewell” tour?

    Now, we all love Cher, but I don’t know if I believe in life after “farewell.” Sometimes, it’s better to end things while they’re good instead of beating them to death, even if it includes 18 dancers, aerialists and “technology that we’ve never seen before.” If I could turn back time, I would first tell Cher to stop dragging out her farewell tour, then tell her that there actually is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

    But then again, “Cher at the Colosseum,” will still probably draw the fabulous glitterati crowd by the masses. And I won’t lie, I’ll probably go see it if I get the chance (though not without cracking a sarcastic joke or two, I mean, she is pretty old and hilarious). Cher, we got you, babe.


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