Sex, snow and snuggles: nine ways to destress this quarter

    Winter quarter sucks. It’s still so cold that everyone on Sheridan looks like an amorphous North Face blob, you’re cursing having ever decided to take that Econ class as the midterm looms and that cute co-ed from the Keg still hasn’t called you, which leaves you lonely and dateless on Valentine’s Day.

    Breathe (and not into a paper bag). Overcome your temptation to curl up in your bed until Spring Break. It will all be okay. Especially if you make room in your schedule to test out these stress-relief tips.

    1. Seriously, breathe
    Basic meditation techniques don’t require your own personal yogi. Step back, maybe close your eyes and remember to inhale and exhale. You don’t even have to leave Core for this (although the person sitting next to you may give you a funny look).

    2. Frolic in the snow
    Sure, now you’re regretting ever having described the frozen wasteland outside your door as a “wonderland” last fall. But remember back in December, when snow was exciting and new? Hearken back to those pre-Winter Quarter days before you started seriously considering hibernation, and embrace the weather. Bonus: we’re almost certain that snowmen won’t kill you.

    3. Bitch to your roommate
    It’s been scientifically proven that putting your negative emotions into words makes you feel better. Be warned, however: if your roommate is also stressed, this may result in getting a Linear Algebra book pitched at your head. Maybe you should call your parents instead; they’d probably love to hear from you, so you’ll be making someone happy at least. Hey, who doesn’t want brownie points? (And maybe a few extra dollars to spend at Clarke’s.)

    4. Get laid…
    Sure, maybe a lack of sex is what’s causing your stress, but if you can, go for it: The benefits outweigh the costs. Not only can you enjoy the afterglow, but it decreases depression and boosts your immune system to make you less likely to catch the cold which has the rest of the lecture hall hacking their lungs out.

    5. …Or just cuddle
    Everyone loves a massage, and unlike #4, you can get one without the help of cheap vodka and a crowded frat party. Whether you’re batting your eyelashes at that boy down the hall with the nice hands or just swapping quick neck rubs with members of your study group, take a break and soothe those muscles you’ve been abusing while hunched over your keyboard. Pick up some pointers: maybe they’ll help fix that “no-sex” problem.

    6. Use technology for something other than Wikipedia
    Even if you’ve lived under a rock (or grew up without any male siblings) and have never held an N64 or Xbox controller in your life, it’s never too late to pick up something new. Pretend the character whose head you just blew off is that TA who just wouldn’t give you that one extra point. Or for the less violently-inclined, turn up your favorite guilty pleasure and have a karaoke dance party with your neighbors. Save this one for your dorm, though, unless you have an extremely well-soundproofed study room. Or just play Pacman and soothe your frustrated psyche.

    It’s hard to stress when you’re surrounded by kittens. Photo by mikeandanna on Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons.

    7. Play with kitties
    Instead of just cooing over the Cute Animal Blog, try to get out of bed before 1 on Sunday and travel to OASIS site Felines Inc., a cageless, no-kill shelter where you can both help socialize cats to prepare them for adoption and lower your blood pressure. And you get extra feel-good-about-yourself points for being a volunteer, which is better than spending the day sleeping off your hangover.

    8. Bond with Blomquist
    Or any other physical fitness facility of your choice. Even your dorm room will do if you really can’t bring yourself to emerge from the warm arms of your radiator. Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people don’t shoot their husbands — or stress out about their impending Chem 101 midterm. They’re also less depressed and have better immune systems. Plus, spring is on its way, despite what Mr. Punxsutawney says, and you won’t be able to hide the effects of hot-cookie bar under your parka forever.

    9. Remember: the rest of the world still exists
    There is life outside of Tech. Take a break to read something that’s not on a syllabus or go for a walk around the Lakefill (dressing appropriately, of course). The world will not come to an abrupt halt after your paper is finished, and it can’t stay cold forever. And really, Valentine’s Day is just Hallmark’s sad attempt at bullying you into spending money.


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