Winter quarter, and the dread is on

    The start of the new quarter offered a respite when the ice thawed and Niteskool announced it would sell tickets to Girl Talk (aka Gregg Gillis), an artist so in touch with today’s youth that I was only able to find him on MySpace. There’s nothing like 60-degree sun to go with noisy hip-hop remixes. It was so nice you knew it couldn’t last: The cold, wet bitterness came Wednesday and the concert sold out within hours (a real pity, especially since we hear Gillis takes his clothes off by the end of every show).

    The dread wasn’t over. On Thursday, The Daily reported that a Jan. 24 preliminary hearing will be held for Darryl Deshawn Preston, accused of sexually assaulting a Northwestern student last May.

    Evanston, unsatisfied with simply trying to block the installation of Northwestern-owned emergency blue lights on neighborhood streets, also said it has no plans to reinstate its free HIV-testing services for students or anyone else. Get raped, get AIDS, go somewhere else for help – welcome back to school, guys!

    Freshmen were too busy rushing frats to think about what they contracted over break. By Thursday, a record 224 recruits piled out of Bobb and Elder to play old Sega games and eat crappy Chinese fast food with their new brothers. Sorority hopefuls have the whole weekend to stomp around the muddy quads in heels in order to find the house for them (getting in is a whole different story). But the new girls aren’t the only ones suffering: A friend told me sorority committees stay up as late as 4 a.m. organizing for recruitment.

    At least there’s a silver lining for the university: Selling its royalty rights to a popular drug made it a whole lot richer. Does this mean they’re going to put in another Shakespeare Garden?


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