Who will wear the crown? The contestants for Mr. PanAsia 2008

    The seven contenders for Mr. PanAsia 2008 are ready to fight for the crown in the Louis Room this Friday.

    Mr. PanAsia is a statement, according to Wayne Hsueh, vice president of Northwestern’s Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC). APAC organizes Mr. PanAsia, now in its 11th year, as a stand against Asian-American stereotypes.

    Modern media presents Asian males as “effeminate and passive,” he said, and Mr. PanAsia’s beauty-pageant format allows Asian American males at NU to break out of the mold.

    “I really believe in [APAC’s] goal to fight their stereotype,” said contestant Ron Li, a sophomore. “That image is wrong and it promotes racial segregation. If there’s stereotype, it hides the true self.”

    The contestants will compete in four areas: casual wear, formal wear, a talent show and a question-and-answer session.

    Responses in the Q&A will weigh most heavily with the judges, Hsueh said. Questions cover contestant’s experiences with Asian stereotypes, Asian role models, and how the Northwestern community affects Asian stereotypes. It is the most important — and educational — part of the pageant, he said.

    Mr. PanAsia should represent the blending of Asian and American values, Li said. Contestant Ren Chung Yu said the winner should also personify the Northwestern Asian American community.

    “Not only a good representation but a positive representation,” Yu said, “based on character, moral and achievements.”

    Contestants were chosen from between 10 and 12 applicants each year through questionnaires and interviews, Hsueh said.

    The pageant’s $5 tickets raise funds for the organization, Hsueh said. Proceeds from Mr. PanAsia support all other APAC charity events, such as the annual APAC powderpuff football game and guest speakers.


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