What do ASG president and executive vice president actually do?

    At this point, ASG campaign slogans are unavoidable – from slogans chalked around the rock to Facebook posts to booths in Norris, the candidates are everywhere. As you cast your vote for the ASG ticket, take a second to review the role of the offices you’re voting for.

    ASG’s president and executive vice president head the student government’s executive board after campus-wide elections. The two offices comprise the body’s executive office, which they hold for one year.

    The President creates ASG’s strategy and vision and is accountable for final decisions and the organization’s ultimate accountability, according to the ASG handbook. As the head of students’ representative body, the president acts as the “chief ambassador of students to administrators.”

    ASG’s constitution also outlines that the president is involved in selecting undergraduate students for the University Hearing and Appeals System, Sexual Assault Hearing and Appeals System and the Conciliation Board.

    The executive VP chairs the cabinet of appointed officials, who head committees, such as Student Life, Academics and Community Relations and eleven others. In this role, the executive VP serves students by working with the President to connect to administrators by “ensur[ing] officers within ASG produce tangible results for the student body.” Committees design and execute ASG projects.

    About 50 student representatives make up the ASG Senate, which allocates the Student Activities Fund budget, introduces legislation and casts votes. Senate elects a speaker, four different caucus whips and a parliamentarian, who chairs the Rules Committee.


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