Keen on Quinoa: Quick vegan eats

    With Spring Quarter now in full swing and the regret for that whole pizza and pint of ice cream you ate over that break looming over you, you might be trying get healthy. I'm not vegan – I’m not even a vegetarian – but finding vegan and vegetarian meals really makes you think about the nutrients in your foods. This is the first thing I learned to cook when I wanted to turn around my diet. It’s easy to make and won't make you feel guilty afterwards. Check out the recipe below:

    Ingredients (for one person meal):

    • 1 cup of quinoa (you can buy this at any local grocery store)
    • 2 cups of water
    • 1 can or box of black beans
    • 1 avocado (to find a ripe avocado look for one that is soft but not too mushy)
    • 1 tomato (optional)
    • Salt and pepper
    • Drizzle of olive oil (you can get a small container from the salad station at Whole Foods)

    Measure out 1 cup of quinoa and add to pot.

    Measure out 2 cups of water and add to pot.

    Set stove to high and wait for the water to boil.

    Once water is boiling, turn temperature down to low. Let the pot simmer for 10-15 minutes until all the water is gone. You can check this with a spoon every few minutes.

    While the quinoa is simmering, cut open an avocado and slice it.

    If you bought a tomato, dice it up now as well. Drain your can or box of black beans and have all these ingredients ready to add to the pot.

    Once you check the pot and no water remains, add the black beans and the avocado.

    To finish this off, season with salt and pepper and a touch of olive oil.



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