University officials present draft sexual assault legislation to ASG

    ASG heard presentations about Northwestern's policy on sexual misconduct and a measure to reduce tobacco use on campus Wednesday night.

    Tara Sullivan, Northwestern's deputy coordinator for Title IX, and Joan Slavin, director of the Office of Sexual Harassment Prevention, showed senators copies of a new draft concerning sexual assault and harassment at Northwestern. 

    "What this is is a revised sexual misconduct policy," Slavin said. "This draft consolidates our current policy on sexual misconduct with our current lengthy Violence Against Women Act."

    Currently, Northwestern keeps its Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Stalking and Dating and Domestic Violence and its Violence Against Women Act statements in separate areas.

    Slavin and Sullivan say they hope that this new document will make the policies easier to find and make resources to assist with sexual assault better available to students. Drafts were collected following the review, as they are still considered a work in progress by the administration.

    Later in the meeting, senators considered legislation to make Northwestern's campus tobacco-free, citing similar legislation passed on other Big Ten campuses and the medical hazards of the product.

    "We believe that no one should have to breathe secondhand smoke when they are walking around on campus," Weinberg sophomore Alec Blumenthal said. "They shouldn't be subjected to health effects because of someone else's decision."

    The resolution aims to provide support for those who want to quit smoking as well as protection for those who do not smoke. No clear specifications were established for the proposed task force associated with the legislation, which senators will discuss at their next session.

    The Senate also confirmed new positions for students. McCormick sophomore Wendy Roldan accepted the position of student life vice president.

    Additionally, Natalie Furlett, associate director of the Center for Student Involvement, participated in her last official ASG meeting. After providing advice to the senators for more than four years, Furlett will not work with any further ASG deliberation.

    "I don't speak in here often," Furlett said. "I am here to be a source of advice for you all and it has been an honor and a privilege to sit in meetings for four and a half years and see the dedication you all put in to making this place a better university."


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