The Wall
    Photo by -JosephB- on Flickr. Licensed under Creative Commons.
    Nestle up against the wall,
    Covered in pockmarks and veins and bristles,
    Cold and grabbing against skin,
    An irregularity in the brick hooking
    On thin, sweat-soiled cotton-
    Disturbing a translucent hair,
    Leaning like a heavy wheat stalk,
    That would disappear in the
    Overflowing emanation of the sun.
    Press an ear to the wall,
    Past the regular beating of
    Leather boots upon the hollow
    Cavernous corridors, and
    Listen to the soft thump beating
    Of the machine heart, pumping
    Steam blood to gasp
    Along labyrinthine pipes-
    A secret exoskeleton bursting
    And dense among the clean lines and blocks.
    Angle a head up, listening closely
    As a thousand hairs rustle against
    A thousand fire-kilned imperfections,
    And look towards the lone window,
    A pitiful square glowing luminescence
    In the milky darkness,
    And drift up towards that slice of
    Cloudless blue sky;
    Flat, impassive, endless in depth,
    The beauty of the world
    Crushing you under its boot heel.


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