The ordinary "week" label no longer applies at NU

    This week at Northwestern, we prepared for the future. The Presidential Search Committee announced open forums to discuss what we want in a new president, and ASG released its funding recommendations for student groups. But the few hours of slushy snow on Monday was a not-so-welcome blast from the past, reminding us that even at the end of April, it is always winter in Chicago.

    Evanston changed its curfew law for minors to 10 p.m. on weeknights and 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights, an hour earlier than it was. Pros: Fewer annoying high school kids at Kaffein! Cons: Young-looking students better start carrying ID as soon as the sun goes down.

    Northwestern withdrew its offer of an honorary degree to Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, saying the controversy surrounding him would harm the celebratory mood of Commencement in June. As the school explains in the student handbook, “Northwestern University is committed to the principles of free inquiry and free expression.”

    After weeks of judging, and being judged by, prospies, the incoming class of 2012 finally made its decision on whether or not to come to Northwestern. We’ll miss the little guys, and the sweetly satisfying (and/or ego-boosting) explanations that yes, that very large piece of curved metal is the Arch. Oh, ignorant prospies, soon to be ignorant freshmen: how we adore you!

    The Feinberg School of Medicine has stepped boldly into the future this week as well. A study discovered that causes of high blood pressure can be predicted with a person’s unique “fingerprint” (urine). This bodes well for the future, since we’re hoping that soon we’ll be able to predict a person’s thoughts by measuring their “fingerprint,” making silent urinal conversations finally a reality.

    Take Back the Night happened on Thursday. No, it wasn’t an emo band concert. The College Feminists put on a barbeque picnic and march to protest sexual assault. Nothing says “rape is whack” like free dessert.

    It was also Africa Awareness Week, which featured events ranging from dance performances to an African bake sale. While we were happy to learn more about Africa, we had to wonder, when was the last time it wasn’t an “Awareness Week,” but just a “week”?

    At Northwestern, it never is just a “week,” because it’s always “midterm week.” It might be hard getting through the rest of the quarter avoiding calls from semester-system friends on the beach, but look on the bright side: At least once you earn your degree, Northwestern won’t snatch it away right before June.


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