The Office: “Did I stutter?”

    The Office is back this week with a different feel than last week’s “Night Out”, which, for the most part, took place outside of Dunder-Mifflin. This time around, the writers provide unexpected character developments rather than unadulterated drama.


    Stanley, who provides the episode’s title, is the main character tonight. In a conference-room meeting, Stanley, who is once again being heckled by Michael, repeatedly refuses to contribute to the conversation. Michael, who manages to be annoying and tenacious at the same time, holds strong in prodding “Stanley the Manley” until he just can’t take it. Stanley snaps, providing a sufficiently awkward silence until Michael decides to leave the room and grab a glass of water.

    This, in turn, drives Michael to take action. He asks Darryl for advice (lolz!), then deals with Stanley effectively, which is much more surprising than it might seem. Probably because we’re so used to seeing Michael not take care of business.

    Just to keep you informed on the other happenings, Dwight buys Andy’s car, then sells it for profit. Pam leaves her contacts at home, then goes and sleeps over at Jim’s. She wears her comically ugly glasses to work, resulting in the following exchange:

    Michael: Alright everybody – Oh. My. God. Pam. Those make you look so ugly. Uhh, Pam in order to get hotter you take the glasses off. You’re moving in the wrong direction.
    Pam: I don’t have my contacts—
    Michael: Dah, dah, dah. I can’t even hear you. It’s just noise coming out of an ugly scientist.

    And, in one of the episode’s more frustrating moments, Toby actually becomes unlikeable. Yeah, we all felt bad for him when he said he was leaving for Costa Rica, but he’s still at the office, telling Ryan that Jim’s been paying too much attention to Pam and not enough on work. Major no-no, Toby, especially considering the fact that we’ve been rooting for the two lovebirds since day one.

    Other Funny Quotes:

    As Michael Scott imprints his face in wet cement:
    Dwight: “Force it in as deep as you can.”
    Michael: “That’s what she said.”

    Darryl’s conflict resolution advice to Michael:
    “In the gang world, we use something called Fluffy Fingers.”

    The transaction between Andy and Dwight:
    Dwight: You know what? You knock fifteen-hundred dollars off the price right now and I’ll take it off your hands. It’s gotta be now. Seal the deal. Let’s do this thing. Three, two, one. Five, four, three, two, one. Now! Now! Now! Say it! Do it! Now! Do it now! Do it! Shake my hand! You will sell me this car. Shake my hand.
    Andy: Yeah! Alright!

    Final Thoughts:

    It was good to see Stanley get some good time in the spotlight. It was also good to see Michael take control for once. Now, I haven’t felt the presence of a “villain” since Roy last showed his grizzled face, but I really disliked Ryan and Toby by the time this episode was over. It’s strange, though — Toby’s going through the exact same thing Jim went through in the last couple seasons. He loves Pam, but she’s in love with someone he thinks doesn’t deserve her. Why should Jim have her over Toby? Because he didn’t have to pull crap like Toby did in this episode in an effort to win her.


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