Reviewing DM committees' pun-filled T-shirts

    Public Relations: This shirt is bright enough so when you look at it you just might forget you haven’t slept in 20 hours. And the owl is winking like a creep - a true prowler. All photos by Anca Ulea and Gabe Bergado / North by

    Dancer Relations: This one is kind of corny. The font bothers me and the image of the guy breakdancing reminds me of those sports t-shirts people who don’t play sports wear.

    Productions: If you didn’t know about the Productions team’s running duck joke (and I didn’t until someone explained it to me), this shirt doesn’t make any sense. And there’s that font again...

    Finance: I love making it rain. And what other color would this shirt be? Go team finance. This shirt works.

    Corporate Relations: My favorite. It’s simple, it gets to the point quickly and I love it. 

    Alumni and Community Relations: Not bad. Apparently this is a reference to a TV show I don’t watch so I felt kind of left out, but for those who get it, I’m sure it’s great.

    Food: Not bad. Food committee has food on their shirts – appropriate. But where are your fine leather goods?

    Special Events: I don’t really get this one. I see the connection between NUDM Trivia and Jeopardy, but I wish they did something more interesting with the design. Or even the color.

    Tech: This one is clever. Concept-wise it’s one of my favorites. But the Tech Committee does a lot of other things besides web design, so I would have liked to see that represented on the shirt too.

    Marketing: Marketing for any organization always has the hippest designs of them all. Here’s the Cat on a Keyboard in Space. But what’s space got to do with marketing?


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