The do's and don'ts of party attire
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    Photography by Natalie Krebs / North by Northwestern.

    Unless you boldly rock your birthday suit or simply wear pajamas year-round, chances are you wake up every morning and look into your closet or chest of drawers and fish out something to wear. Although many like to say they just grab whatever is clean, every now and then everyone finds themselves putting some thought into it and usually pulls it together. However, occasional campus events such as formals and bar nights throw a curveball at even the best and brightest fashionistas, who find themselves staring blankly at their closets musing over what to wear. In case you find yourself in this position, here's a guide to help you dress appropriately for those occasional campus festivities.


    Throughout the year, many of the residential halls, colleges and communities host formals for residents and their guests at locations in the Chicagoland area. Venues of years past include the Spirit of Chicago, which annually hosts the Residential College Boards Yacht Formal, and the John Hancock building. Although these are some of the fancier events for Northwestern students, don’t be fooled by the name. The appropriate clothes are already in your closet.


    The title should say it all, but if it doesn’t... don’t be afraid to dress up a little. Emphasis on a little. A short elegant dress paired with toned down jewelry and a hairstyle that doesn’t scream "I just rolled out of bed" will have you dressed right for the evening. If you’re unsure if your ensemble is too dressy, then play it down with a simple hairstyle—fun and flowing curls are stylish and perfect for any occasion. It’s a balancing act.

    If you're a boy, slacks and dress shoes are preferable for this type of occasion. You can even dig through your closet and pull out the suit your mother packed “just in case” you needed it. Finding a comb, brush and some hair gel is definitely a wise idea. And don’t stress it if you don’t have them; CVS sells all of that in one convenient location. It would be rude to let the ladies get all dolled up for nothing. And while you’re being gentlemen, send your mom a thank you note. She just saved your ass.


    Ladies, do us all a favor and stay far, far away from the glitter, frills and sequins. Actually, it’s probably best if you put that taffeta Cinderella-inspired ball gown back in the depths of your closet where it belongs. This is not the time to call your mom to ask her to FedEx your senior prom dresses to campus. Let’s be honest here: It’s never the right time to do that. Simple is the new chic. Don’t spend lots of cash on an unnecessary up-do and glitzy pumps. Be confident rocking a more natural style.

    Gentlemen, I will only ask one thing of you. PLEASE do not wear your Nikes with that suit. I don't know if you're trying to be comfortable or if you're trying to appear like a gangsta, but either way, you better believe you are not going to get laid looking like that. If the ladies are going to silently suffer in five-inch heels, you better break out your own dancing shoes.


    Themed Parties

    Sororities and fraternities are notorious for their inventive themed parties. Sororities frequently host crush parties, where chapter members “crush” two to three guests via email invitation. On the other end of campus fraternities regularly throw registered parties, which are open events usually posted on Facebook. These include themes ranging from "white trash" to "highlighter" and to everything in between.


    Themed parties are tricky. Since these parties are usually on nights where you may attend more than one event, the key to success involves creating an outfit that easily allows you to shed the themed party look and transform it into a typical Friday night get-up without having to rush back to your dorm. The key here is in the accessories. Dress as you would on any other night and add a few cute extras. For example, if there is a Hawaiian party, slap a flower in your hair and toss a lei around your neck, and on your way out, ditch the accessories so that you're ready for the next party.

    While accessorizing may sometimes work better for the ladies, men, you can accessorize in your own way, too. A lei is not that girly, so just wear it. Please refrain from the flower though. That could be pushing it. When it comes to other themes like white trash, embellish with a white trash bag. It’s a cheap solution that is easily dispensable between parties. For a highlighter or draw party, just double up two undershirts and once you can shed the outer layer once you're done decorating it. Creativity is a must here, but if all else fails, jeans and a v-neck can pass for anything.


    Girls, a themed party is no excuse to whip out your Halloween costume. There’s a reason Party City doesn’t sell those getups year round. You definitely don’t need to go all out when choosing your outfit. Less is more. This reminds us: you don’t need to look slutty to be sexy. A beach theme does not justify you walking out of your dorm room in a bikini and hooker heels. Save yourself the judgmental looks and put on some clothes.

    Unfortunately, we have little knowledge to pass on to the boys for this section. For one, don't be afraid to sport some themed accessories. Don't forget to put on deodorant, because frats get hot and messy. And remember: no one wants to see you rocking a G-string.


    Date Nights

    These same frats also try to class it up from time to time by allowing their brothers the chance to invite that special someone to on a date. These are hosted in a wide range of locales, most of which are in Downtown Chicago. Date nights could include an array of activities from ice-skating to an outing to a comedy club and bar. On the scale of trashy to classy, date nights fall between bar nights and formals.


    There are a limited number of invitations and this guy asked you specifically, so leave him with no regrets. For nights at a comedy club or restaurant, go ahead and pull out some of your nicer dresses or skirts, like the cute one-shoulder chiffon, or the flattering black hip-hugging strapless. Definitely throw in a touch of jewelry and do not hesitate to sport a pair of fun heels. However, if the date involves an activity like ice skating or a scavenger hunt in Chicago, don’t be afraid to sport a loose and breathable chiffon shirt, which hides perspiration but still looks flattering all around. Clarify the specifics of the evening with your date; otherwise, you may be running around Millennium Park in heels and a too-tight skirt.

    Meanwhile, for the boys, the perfect outfit is fairly simple. If the venue is a club, restaurant, etc., business casual will work perfectly. If you are unsure of what business casual is, it means either a dress shirt or a button-down, with a pair of slacks and dress shoes. However, if it is an active outing, jeans and a Polo or button-down always look great.


    The mistake many girls make on date night is dressing too casually. This isn’t the time for your cheetah-print skirt and crop top, and it's definitely not the time to pull out those too-tight skinny jeans. On another night you may or may not be in the mindset of “LET’S MEET CUTE BOYS!" but here you are already with a boy, thus, dress to impress. Repeat this mantra while looking through your closet: Classy, not trashy, and you’re sure to find an outfit that both you and your date will love.

    Boys, you can't pull off super casual garb either. If you invited that cute girl from Chemistry, try to make sure that she will leave happy that you did. Don't put on jeans. Don't wear your Northwestern t-shirt. And do not try to wear a comedic tie. It's probably not going to be as funny as you think it is.


    Greek Bar Nights

    Many Northwestern students immediately get the wrong impression of a bar courtesy of venues like the Keg and Deuce (which we'll get to next). Yet these events are usually hosted in upscale Chicago bars with a little more refinement. The DJ is better, the drinks are better and therefore, you should try to look better.


    Despite the myths, bars can actually be classy and sophisticated, and generally, such locations host Greek bar nights. It’s easy—dress classy and casual with a trace of fun. A pencil skirt with a loose blouse or shirt always works. Match the ensemble with a tasteful pair of heels or flats and a dash of simple jewelry and you are all set.

    Again, fellas, jeans and a button-down or a Polo will work here. Actually doing your hair may also be beneficial to your style and potentially game. Throw on a pair of Sperry’s or just about any shoe you wouldn’t wear to the gym (or doesn’t have holes) and really, that’s all there is to it.


    Tasteful is key. You don’t want to whip out the cocktail dress for this occasion, yet you don’t want to rock a look that is too casual, either. It’s always safe to pull out the skirts and tops in your closet that are on the more "formal" side. Think of this as equivalent to going to a nice restaurant, in a shorter skirt and with a dash more sass. But try to keep the hooker boot and mini-skirt combinations to a minimum. It’s dark in there, but it’s not that dark.

    As for my gentlemen, you don't need to pull out the suit that momma packed for this one. There is no need to dress in formal garb. Wear something that you feel comfortable and confident in. But, please, no shorts. I don't care if you just splurged on your best pair of Dockers. Shorts paired with a dress shirt will make you look like a twelve-year-old boy.

    The Keg/The Deuce

    Oh, the infamous Keg and Deuce. These venues fall shy of your typical bar but they’re home to many Northwestern students on Friday and Saturday nights (and sometimes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as well). They are a mere last resort when all the campus parties are a bust. But that doesn't stop many of us from feeling the need to visit these fine establishments from time to time.


    Lets face it, these places cram too many people in too small of a space. Breathable and simple is key here. A sheer shirt with a fun print or light T-shirt coupled with a cute skirt or jeans is ideal. People even rock the Uggs from time to time. No shame here.

    As for the guys, jeans, shorts and any kind of shirt are socially acceptable here. Just make sure to slap some deodorant on—pit stains really aren’t that attractive.


    You can pretty much get away with anything when going to the Keg, but don’t push it. I love those Northwestern sweatpants as much as you do; however, this is not the time. You’re still meeting people and spending time with friends. Try to look like you didn’t roll out of bed approximately 15 minutes ago. Girls, put on a skirt or some jeans or... something.

    And guys, change out of that dirty T-shirt. Yes, the spaghetti stain from dinner is definitely visible.


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