In Photos: SustainNU hosts Arbor Day tree planting
  • Students work together to push their tree into its hole.
  • Nate Brown, McCormick junior Grace Kelly and Bienen first year master’s student Eric Kavcic proudly stand with their newly planted tree, Ryan.
  • Steve Camburn, Northwestern’s Groundskeeper Assistant Foreman, talks about the different types of trees on Northwestern’s campus, many more than 100 years old.
  • Students, community members and staff helped plant trees in the grove between Main Library and Cresap Hall.
  • Participants divided into groups of 2-4, working together to dig a space for the new tree to go.
  • Weinberg junior Nate Brown helps finish digging the hole for the new tree.
  • Staff checked each group’s work before putting the trees in their new homes.

Photos by David Gleisner / North by Northwestern

As flowers start to bloom and green emerges from the prolonged gray of winter, the theme of growth was in the air as green-thumbed students and community members gathered this Arbor Day. SustainNU hosted a tree planting event Friday to commemorate the holiday, celebrated every year on the last Friday of April. Staff from facilities management helped lead students and community members as they worked to plant trees in places where construction had taken some out. The first session planted eight trees next to the bike lane in front of Lunt Hall, and the second planted five in the grove between Main Library and Cresap Hall.


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