Students for Justice in Palestine...May 14

    Members of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) painted today’s Rock. According to its Facebook group page, SJP is an advocacy group that is “organized according to democratic principles in order to promote justice, human rights, liberation, and self-determination for the Palestinian People.”

    In an e-mail, SJP member Shireen Mirza explained the symbolism that went into the final product.

    “The rock equals Palestine (hence the flag) and the cage around the rock symbolizes the occupied state of Palestine at the moment,” she said. “It also references to the Apartheid Wall that is constructed around present-day Palestine. We have asked students to tie ribbons on the cage in solidarity with the movement.

    For the Palestinian people, Thursday marks the 60th anniversary of Al-Nakba (“the catastrophe”). May 15 was the beginning of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which ended in defeat for the Palestinians.

    Mirza also discussed the point SJP is trying to make.

    “We choose a message pertaining to Palestine rather than attempting to attack Israel,” she said. “‘60 years of Oppression. 60 years of Resilience. How much longer?’ As well as ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere.’”


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