STEM Scholarship awarded to four students

    The Alumnae of Northwestern University has chosen four students working in the fields of math and science to receive $4,000 scholarships. The STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) scholarship, which is based on academics, extracurriculars and financial need, aims to help recipients narrow their focuses on classes instead of work-study jobs.

    About 25 students have applied for STEM each year since the scholarship was first awarded in 2010, according to Pam James, fellowship chairwoman for the alumnae.

    Michelle Bagwell
    WCAS ’15, Cognitive Science major, Global Health minor

    You might know her from: ASB, Camp Kesem, Campus Kitchens, Inspiration Café, Book Buddies, Connections for the Homeless, Special Olympics or Project Pumpkin to name just a few.
    Goals: Study abroad in Denmark. After that, become a neuroendocrinologist.

    Molly Bird
    McCormick ’15, Biomedical Engineering major

    What STEM means to her:  “I can focus more time on my schoolwork, and I won’t have to work very much. I won’t have any loans this year which is fantastic.”
    Most valuable NU experience: Dance Marathon. “The last few hours everybody really put their hearts into it, and we were all jumping to the music. It really showed how much heart we Northwesterners have.
    Goals: Research cancer and other diseases.

    Valerie Chen
    WCAS ’15, Biomedical Sciences major

    You might have seen her: in McCormick classes for her first two quarters here before she switched to Weinberg. She also hangs around SPAC quite frequently because she is a supervisor there.
    What STEM means to her: “I wasn’t really expecting to get it because it was for a lot of different majors … but it is nice that the group recognizes women in science.”

    Olive Jung
    WCAS ’15, Chemistry major, Legal Studies adjunct

    What STEM means to her: “I am thankful that the alumnae ‘got’ what I was trying to get across in my application.”
    Most valuable NU experience: working for about eight weeks in Chemistry professor Richard Silverman’s lab (whose recommendation helped her to get the STEM scholarship, she suspects).


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