Students mourn the loss of TKOE on Twitter
    With news of a closed Keg, Northwestern students took to Twitter, expressing all sorts dismay, memories and regret about the demise of the Monday night party staple. Here's a roundup of some of the best, worst and funniest tweets from the Keg night that never was. #RIPkeg.

    The fake Twitter that could, @ETisdahl triumphed in both humour and some unexpected insight into town/gown relations:

    The minds behind Sherman Ave put together quite a clever little video that also took off on Facebook and Twitter. Here they offer puppies in exchange for more web hits:

    Some sage advice from the college bar that was. We're sure tears will be shed for many Mondays to come:

    Perhaps it wasn't god's work, but it was something:

    Now here's an idea. Students really bent out of shape over the Keg should definitely consider this. Definitely:

    Library party anyone?

    Even the soon-to-come Class of 2016 has heard of (and is apparently mourning) the legendary Keg:


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