Remember, Remember...Nov. 5

    Some unidentified persons painted the rock last night in what seems to be a tribute to the movie V for Vendetta Though the phrase Remember, remember the fifth of November is associated with that film, it originates from a British children’s rhyme, created to coincide with Guy Fawkes Night. On this day in 1605, a plot to assassinate King James I was foiled, and conspirator Guy Fawkes was arrested.

    Also known as “Firework Night” and “Bonfire Night,” November 5th was designated by King James I (via an Act of Parliament) as a day of thanksgiving for “the joyful day of deliverance.” On the very night of the thwarted Gunpowder Plot, it is said that the populace of London celebrated the defeat by lighting fires and engaging in street festivities. It would appear that similar celebrations took place on each anniversary and, over the years, became a tradition.

    UPDATE: Roommates Cooper Carter and Paulino Barros teamed up to paint today’s Rock. Carter confirmed that the Rock was a tribute to the movie version of V for Vendetta, an adaptation of a comic book series from the 1980s. “It’s one of our favorites,” he said.


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