I sit down at my desk with my pencil held firm,
No lecture today for we have a midterm.
The first question gives the simplest mission,
Shows a 3D surface and asks the definition.
I’ve seen the picture before, I should know what to write,
I close my eyes and remember last Sunday night…
It was late, 3 a.m., well past time for bed,
I set my alarm clock and laid down my head.
Before long I heard beeping, it was morning already,
I reached for the snooze, my hand slightly unsteady.
Six times I hit it before I finally conceded,
I jumped out of the bed and to class proceeded.
But it was already too late at five minutes 'til noon,
Even on a shuttle, I would not get there soon.
I threw on some jeans and grabbed my backpack,
I ran out of my dorm with no time for snacks.
From South to North Campus is a very long trek,
I started from Chapin, destination: Tech.
I ran past Allison at eleven fifty-eight,
When I reached Sheridan, I was officially late.
The sign said don’t walk but I could have cared less,
So I jaywalked that morning, it’s true, I confess.
I first ran by the Arch, and then Kellogg and Lunt.
I felt quite embarrassed, as if onstage – in front.
To math I arrived and then found a seat,
I was sweaty and tired, my face red with heat.
Drawn on the board was a 3D graph,
I saw underneath some equations and math.
As the teacher paused and began to erase,
The name of this figure escaped my embrace.
Now on my midterm I see this figure again,
It’s name and equation value points worth of ten.
I shake my head sadly at this question I don’t get,
And remember my snooze button with utmost regret.
The lesson I learn is that snoozing is bad,
When I get back my midterm, the grade makes me sad.