Thousands protest election of Donald Trump in downtown Chicago
    “What do we want? Freedom! When do we want it? Now! If we don’t get it? Shut it down.” This rallying cry sounded across downtown Chicago on Wednesday afternoon, with Trump Tower looming over thousands at the Emergency Protest in Chicago. The message was clear: say no to Trump, say no to racism. Unfortunately, it was too little, too late. A Facebook event called “Point and Laugh at Trump Tower” was scheduled for today, with the expectation that Trump would lose and this lighthearted event could mark the end of a polarizing campaign. Instead, thousands flooded the streets of Chicago, not to point or laugh, but to march and shout in bitter opposition to the results of the election and what it stands for.

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    In her concession speech earlier this morning, Hillary Clinton implored Democrats to “make sure your voices are heard going forward.” The students, parents, teachers and citizens at Trump Tower did just this, making a rallying cry against the values and beliefs that Trump has spewed. Weinberg sophomore Joanna Wan took home an optimistic message from the protest.

    "Whatever you do, don't lose faith,” said Wan. “Don't forget to tell yourself that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Don't disengage or become indifferent towards politics. It is a hard time for the majority of Americans who voted for Clinton, but it is also a more important time to unite, to represent the minority communities of which we belong, and to fight for the values of which we believe.” Despite the enthusiasm and energy, many were left doubtful and felt powerless against the results.

    "I'm feeling very confused and extremely concerned for the future of our planet.” said sophomore Alec D’Alelio. “This is an unprecedented moment in American history and I know that my generation has never lived through anything of this magnitude before. I'm not sure what the protest will accomplish if anything ... the scariest part about the results of this election is that they were seemingly fair. I'll never think of democracy the same way again."

    Trump's election poses a threat to many Northwestern students, particularly minorities, whether they are people of color, Muslims, women, immigrants, the LGBTQ community or any other of the numerous groups the Trump campaign has attacked relentlessly. Medha Imam, a Medill senior, echoed these sentiments.

    "I am afraid today for my sister who adorns a hijab and lives alone in the middle of the reddest red region of Arkansas,” Imam said in a Facebook post on Wednesday. “I am worried for my brother who is still learning about who he is, what Islam means and how we can be okay with living in this nation as a people whose religion is seen as the other, is seen as evil. I’m nervous for our future, for my kids, for our livelihoods and cannot even think about what life will be like starting January 20, 2017."

    Editor's note: Medha Imam is currently the Print Managing Editor for North by Northwestern. 


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