Sleep-deprived Productions co-chairs keep DM going
    Photo by Emily Ferber / North by Northwestern

    Dancers are in their 21st hour of dancing but Productions Co-Chairs Chuck Hwang and Laura Kick have been running around Norris for the past week, making sure the entire weekend goes off without a hitch.

    "We're pretty sleep-deprived so things are funnier than they should be at times," Hwang, a McCormick senior, said about their current mindset. "For the most part, though, we're pretty relaxed."

    From choosing block themes to producing celebrity videos, Productions is integral to everything you see and hear in the the tent. This year, Productions coordinated with student DJs to keep dancers grooving as the hours press on.

    "It was a hectic last few minutes but nothing out of the ordinary for a big production like this," Kick, a Communication senior, said of the minutes before showtime.

    But the adrenaline makes it worthwhile, according to Hwang. "When we got to the 30 second mark, people were still hustling back and forth, making sure every cable was plugged in the right place, the switches were set. And as soon as we were counting down 3-2-1, when everything just lit up and went off without a hitch, that was probably the most exciting part so far."


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