Pinterest offers DIY inspiration
    Photo courtesy of author / North by Northwestern

    My alarm clock reads 3:38 a.m. and I’m still wide-awake. Unlike my neighbors, I’m not up studying for a killer psychology midterm or furiously hammering out a paper due first thing in the morning — I finished all my homework hours ago. Why am I awake then? What could possibly have my eyes glued to my iPhone screen this late at night?

    I have asked myself these questions every night for a month, but as I eagerly scroll my thumbs over the bright images, I find my answers. Sometimes it’s a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal displaying his rip-my-shirt-off abs, the must-do DIY craft or a cute hair idea that I never would have thought of. Needless to say, there is always something to fulfill my cravings.

    My name is Saron, and I am addicted to Pinterest.

    Photo courtesy of author

    Pinterest is a social media site that allows users to connect via online pin boards with categories such as fitness, photography, crafts, beauty, or recipes. Members create pin boards for their interest, and can search for different items within those categories to “repin” to their pinboards. Generally, users click on the desired “pin” and Pinterest will direct them to a corresponding website with details on how to make the particular recipe or to a video illustrating how to construct the perfect sock bun. Pinterest also connects users to Facebook and Twitter, so users can automatically follow their Facebook and Twitter friends or even share pins on their favorite social media sites.

    In my recent late night (or early morning) scavenges, I have found a few gems worth sharing — take a look.

    The Waterfall Braid

    This is a favorite of mine, and a go-to hairstyle when I want to dress up my hair without putting in much effort.  If you can braid (and really I’m not too great at it myself) then this is a hairstyle you can probably pull off. It’s also a great hairstyle to use if you want to get your bangs out of the way for those windy Chicago days.   

    Newsprint Nails

    Now I love crackle nails just as much as everyone else, and I find magnetic nail polish fascinating, but everyone has jumped on to those trends. This trick is unique and can be done easily and for cheap. If you have regular nail polish and a clear coat, you are pretty much set. All you need is a light base coat (white or pastels work best), clear coat, strips of newspaper (free in most Northwestern dining halls), rubbing alcohol/vodka and you are ready to go.

    Fruit Shaped Jell-O Shots & Strawberry Margarita Jello-O Shots 

    Most are already are familiar with these, but here are two examples on how to serve a Jell-O shot in a crafty way. These tricks are simple and easier to do than your average Jello-O shot where you slurp alcohol infused Jell-O out of a flimsy paper cup. All you need is real fruit, a knife and a spoon. 

    DIY Photo Frame

    Decorating your dorm room on a tight budget isn’t easy. No need to fear: DIY has many crafts on Pinterest that cater to a college student budget. Well all know pictures are a go-to decoration for many college students; here is an affordable DIY craft that will help you show of your pictures in a crafty style. All you need is a picture frame (preferably an old one with wire backing), string or lace and close pins or paperclips.  Personally, I like to use an old picture frame (from a thrift store), which gives off an antiquated vibe, or I paint it to match my room décor. If you use a small enough frame, you can also prop it up on an easel for a desk decoration.


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