Photos from the vigil for Northern Illinois University

    Tragedy brings people together. At least, that is how it appeared on Monday night at the candlelit vigil for those who were involved in the shooting at Northern Illinois University last Thursday. The ceremony, originally scheduled to be held at the Rock, was moved inside to Alice Millar Chapel because of the cold.

    John Dunkle, director of Counseling and Psychological Services at Northwestern, opened the night by recounting his experiences at NIU. He said the students were doing surprisingly well, and most had gone home for the weekend.

    He also acknowledged that “Friday was just the start. The tough stuff is when students come back on Monday [February 25].”

    After Dunkle spoke, an open mike was held to let students explore their thoughts and feelings about the incident.

    Weinberg senior Ben Parr advised those gathered to “never lose your connections with your friends.” He had friends in the class where the shooter killed five people, and says he values them more than ever.

    While some expressed personal connections to the tragedy, Communications junior Barnabas Lin presented a challenge to those gathered. “Take these tragic moments and expand them to the rest of your life,” he said. “Always take time to ask the question ‘What is my life about?’ and ‘Why am I here?’”

    Although the horrible incident occurred in Illinois, some used it as an opportunity to feel compassion for those suffering around the world. “This fear we’re living with,” said Weinberg senior Rachel Berkowitz, “there are people who live like this everyday.”

    After all students who wished to had the opportunity to speak, each attendant was given a lit candle. A moment of silence was then observed for those hurt by the lone gunman. Following the silent acknowledgment, University Chaplain Timothy Stevens invited all present to write on a banner that would be sent to NIU on Sunday.

    In memory of those killed at Northern Illinois, and other tragedies such as Virginia Tech last year, college students around the country will be wearing black on Thursday.

    Photos by Lauren Virnoche.


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