Opinion: Lack of DM meme representation a tragedy
  • One of the finest costumes in the DM tent. This dancer stayed very true to the Nyan Cat look.
  • A very successful attempt at dressing to the theme: Scumbag Steve, a classic.
  • These girls actually asked me to take a photo of them. Little did they know that I would use the photo as an example of what *not* to do.
  • Nice try, but Twitter isn't a meme in and of itself.
  • You can do better!
  • A rather lackadaisical attempt at "Damn, Daniel."
Photos by Michael Aronson / North by Northwestern

Earlier today, NBN Editor-in-Chief Morgan Kinney reached out to ask me to cover Block 2 of Dance Marathon, themed Dance Memeathon. I was happy to fulfill his request; memes have been a serious pursuit of mine since I was but a wee lad. I was excited to enter into an environment filled with people interested – or at least feigning interest – in memes and write a report on my experience.

I was extremely disappointed, however, when I walked into the Dance Marathon tent at approximately 10:15 PM to find that only an extremely small proportion of dancers had decided to dress to the block's theme. Those that did dress to the meme theme generally did so in a minimalistic way; most participants of the theme simply taped a picture of a meme to their torso or slipped on a pair of white shoes to bear the likeness of "Damn, Daniel."

This is a travesty. Memes, both mainstream and otherwise, are an integral part of modern culture and should always be enthusiastically embraced. Those who refused to participate in the theme should be ashamed of themselves and should seriously reconsider their interests.

Those of you who dressed to the theme well: keep fighting the good fight.


Michael Aronson, special DM meme correspondent


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