NUPD investigates swastika and racist graffiti in Main Library

    A Main Library patron reported two incidents of anti-Semitic and racist graffiti in the building to Northwestern police last week.

    The patron found a swastika and anti-black graffiti in the fourth floor men's bathroom and reported the graffiti to the police Saturday morning.

    The NUPD have determined through their investigation that there is no immediate danger to any individual or the campus community. The police said they did not have a suspect as of Wednesday morning.

    President Morton Schapiro sent students an email regarding the graffiti Tuesday afternoon, saying, "These acts are offensive to the entire Northwestern community and will not be tolerated."

    "Northwestern seeks to provide a safe and welcoming environment for students, faculty and staff of all races and religious beliefs," Schapiro also said in the email. "That is one of our guiding principles and something we work hard on every single day."

    The director of the Tannenbaum Chabad House, Rabbi Dav Hillel Klein, also emailed students Wednesday morning.

    "As Jews, our response to events like these has always been to continue to increase the light of our legacy, our people and our Torah," Klein said in the email. "We hope to intensify our activities on campus, and to express our pride of our heritage and of our culture."

    Klein encouraged students to attend Shabbat services Friday evening at the Chabad House and to stay for a discussion on racial anti-Semitism.


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