Northwestern New Year's resolutions

    Can’t think of a personal resolution? Don’t worry, this writer has plenty of suggestions to go around. Here are 15 things to stop doing in 2015. For your sake. For my sake. For the sake of all of us here at Northwestern.

    1. Wasting time in Core

    Stressing about overwhelming amounts of work and subsequently chatting in Core for hours sounds like a classic Northwestern Sunday night. But the glares for appearing “anti-social” will likely pay off when you retreat to the tower and complete the tasks that brought you to Main.

    2. Cluttering the quality of everyone’s news feed

    I ardently support Facebook’s “I don’t want to see this” and unfollow features, but even those filters can’t stop the flow of random thoughts disguised as “journalism.” Find a BuzzFeed article that’s **totally you girl!! haha!!** then text your friend the link.

    3. Going to Blom

    Maybe if everyone goes to SPAC and protests Blom, the university will make it look pretty. Maybe.

    4. Living in an Evanston bubble

    How many times did you tell people over break that you go to school in Chicago? How many times did you venture into the city Fall Quarter?

    Evanston is cool, but Chicago is cooler. The city has options for sports fanatics, foodies, art enthusiasts, hipster thrift shoppers and anyone who appreciates a good skyline. Many attractions, like the Art Institute of Chicago and Lincoln Park Zoo, can provide a memorable day without a fee. But in addition to the entertainment, getting out of Evanston can help us broaden our perspectives on a variety of issues and stay sane when the workload is spinning out of control.

    Pick a date in your calendar and just read a course packet on the train.

    5. Ordering Subway at Norris

    Can you really call that fresh lettuce? Is this just me?

    6. Weather complaints

    Maybe freshmen can get away with this for Winter Quarter, but we all chose to attend this university and the weather comes with it. We’re all facing the struggle together, people, and the constant commiserating is sometimes as dreadful as the icy wind.

    7. Leaving jackets at El Mark II Lounge

    Write your name and number on the label summer-camp style. #lifehacks

    8. Lamenting lack of a dating culture without asking someone out

    Regardless of what truth inspires depictions of hookup culture at Northwestern, we can criticize a culture or make moves to change it. Shoutout to SHAPE’s Ask Someone Out week! Bonus points if this coincides with #4, taking place outside of Evanston.

    9. Pretending not to know people

    Pretending not to recognize the person you had class with last quarter, when you walk by them on campus or have class together again, seems pointless. Chances are both of you remember each other, and a simple “hi” or smile isn’t signing you up to be their best friend. Be a friendly acquaintance and you’ll have friendly acquaintances.

    10. Sticking to our corners of campus

    Northwestern prides itself on a flourishing student group culture, but we often find ourselves so dedicated to our causes that we forget to check out theatre performances, athletics, speaker series and social events that our immediate friend groups haven’t sponsored.

    11. Walking in a slow line of friends on Sheridan

    Please make way for those of us who walk like it’s New York City.

    12. The work competition

    What’s a good way to respond to a friend rattling off his or her to-do list? The natural response, naming your own set of assignments and meetings, seems to show true Wildcat spirit. But take a moment to question your purpose. Are you venting to a willing listener and relieving stress? Or, are you trying to create an image about yourself and the amount of work you do? Complaining about work in order to subtly sound busier than the person next to you perpetuates a hyper-involved culture and doesn’t usually result in feeling any better. Just do yoga.

    13. Trashing recyclable goods

    “It’s 2015 people!” should suffice here.

    14. Crying about finals after wasting reading week

    Not everyone has a reading week, so if you do, remember that you’re #blessed (is that still at hashtag in 2015?). If you spend the week watching Netflix and going out, don’t cry to your McCormick and Medill friends on finals eve about the insane amount of work you have.

    15. Reading listicles. ha.



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