Nine days until the bookworm meets the prom queen

    Nine days. Nine days until the bookworm meets the science geek, the jock meets the prom queen, and things start all over again. Nine days until we see our new roommates, register for classes and say goodbye to our parents. And while nine days may seem like an eternity in the hands of excitement, to most others, its not that long of a time.

    Though I had felt choked, smothered and appeared to have been left for dead by the “hands of excitement” in the days prior to my departure, upon arriving here last week, I’d have to say that it was definitely worth the wait. While the picture on my WildCARD is terrible, my projected class schedule is so tight that it will be sure to test my physical capabilities, and my run in with a dinner of “mystery meat” has increased my weariness of dining hall food, I am still incredibly excited to be getting ready to become an NU student.

    Maybe it’s because all the unfortunate coincidences, oversights and instances of plain bad luck were overshadowed by experiences such as my first college football game, a cross country team challenge in downtown Chicago and a relaxing afternoon reading at the Lakefill.

    So, I’m sure all of my fellow freshmen reading this are just as excited as I was to arrive here, meet people, and start this new chapter in their lives. But rest easy until then: enjoy your family, friends, and the comfort of your home and/or community. Sept. 16 will be here soon enough.


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