News you might have missed: May 11, 2014

    Students practice unhealthy behavior

    A joint study by Northwestern Medicine and Northeastern Illinois University reported that a high percentage of college students, especially racial minorities, engage in behaviors that could increase their risk of cancer. The study consisted of a diverse group of 30,000 college students, who completed a self-reported survey. The results showed that 95 percent of the group did not consume the suggested amount of fruit and 60 percent were not physically active.

    Deliberations beetween paper and plastic hits Evanston

    Chicago City Council voted to partially ban plastic bags for shopping use beginning August 2015. Northwestern sustainability and recycling expert Eric Masanet fears the reduction in plastic litter will only increase other environmental issues such as paper bags, which leave greater manufacturing footprints. Masanet hopes this move by Chicago will enhance the usage of the most environmentally friendly option of reusing shopping bags.

    Assistant professors of physics receive research funding

    Two University physicists will be rewarded five-year grants worth $750,000 to pursue partical research projects. Eric Dahl and Nathanial Stern are part of a group of 35 scientists who received the honor of the Early Career Research Program by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science.


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