News you might have missed: Feb. 9, 2014

    Study shows perfect memory is nonexistent

    Northwestern Medicine reported human memory rewrites the past in a study published on Feb. 5 in the Journal of Neuroscience. The study showed how memory is not an exact recall of previous events, but rather an updated series of occurrences, adapting to our current situations during retrieval. By tracking eye movements and administering tests in an MRI Scanner, scientists analyzed participants’ brain activity and found that the hippocampus is the source of memory editing.

    University awarded for emergency preparedness

    The National Weather Service identified Northwestern as a “StormReady University” in an award ceremony on Jan. 28. Due to the high level of planning, monitoring and communicating emergency awareness, the University was recognized for being prepared for severe weather. They were also honored for alerting the campus through their multi-layered weather notification system.

    Northwestern eligible for vegan-friendly contest

    The University competes with 32 schools to win the annual Favorite Vegan-Friendly College contest sponsored by peta2, the youth division for People for Ethical Treatment of Animals. Peta2’s Vegan Report Card has previously awarded Northwestern's campus dining an A grade due to its healthier options. Voters will choose the winners on a ballot at peta2’s website.


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