News you might have missed: Feb. 2, 2014

    Kellogg evaluates Super Bowl advertising mania

    Kellogg students assessed competitive advertising displayed on Super Bowl Sunday for the 10th year in a row. Students have already seen a rising trend in the use of social media to promote advertisements long before and during the game. Kellogg has also noted larger companies such as Heinz ketchup, Cheerios, Dannon and Chobani yogurt will be partaking in this year’s Super Bowl advertisements.

    Medill Justice Project finding leads to federal ruling

    A federal judge ruled against the state court’s ruling of convicted murderer Jennifer Del Prete, citing as evidence a letter discovered last year by The Medill Justice Project. Del Prete, a Chicago-area daycare worker, was sentenced to 20 years in prison due to her alleged involvement in a shaken-baby syndrome case. The new evidence cited by the federal judge could lead to a reexamination of Del Prete’s claims of an unfair trial.

    Eugene Sunshine retires from Northwestern

    After 17 years of serving as senior vice president for business and finance, Eugene Sunshine is retiring. Sunshine hopes to shift his career focus to consulting, teaching, and working on private and public boards. Throughout the years, Sunshine has been an adviser to President Morton Schapiro as well as a key administrator of the University.


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