For those who don’t know
For those who don’t have a voice
A voice to express their pain and misery
For those who don’t even know what they are lacking
I will scream
And I will shout
I will pant and I will rant in frustration because there has been something that was taken
And it is the basic human condition to live and love
To breathe and grieve
In this world when to feel too deeply is not wise
And to care too strongly is not encouraged
For those who hide behind walls of self-reliance and self-protection
Unaware of the mire they sink in when others are cut off
Alone in the process of life
With all its joys and oh, with all its lows
I will speak
I will call you out and ask who you are
What do you feel?
What do you dare to dream about
Or not?
And I will listen
Just listen
If you ask, we can then conquer the world and all the evils it has brought you
but until then I will hold your hand
when tears come down your face
and your lungs get heavy
and your breaths get deeper as you try to hold back those tears
But not until you ask
So don’t come around
Pretending as if you can pretend
Hiding behind the accomplishments and awards that you prize and cherish
so deeply
They mean nothing
Come as you are
As you really are
I have no mask
So don’t hide behind yours
The not you
I’m tired of relating to not you
Of conversing with someone
Who is not really true
Just think of the joy you will feel
When you can finally be free
Whenever you decide