MAD tv cast performs with student comedians at Tech

    Nearly 75 students braved the cold Friday night and trekked to Tech’s Ryan Family Auditorium to enjoy performances from MAD tv comedians and Northwestern improv groups Mee-ow and The Titanic Players.

    Northwestern’s own short-form improv group Mee-ow opened the show by taking suggestions from the audience and performing various comedic games. The Titanic Players, Northwestern’s long-form improv troupe, followed their show.

    Spike Feresten, host of FOX’s “Talk Show with Spike Feresten,” did a few minutes of stand-up before introducing MAD tv cast members Arden Myrin and Jordan Peele. They took suggestions from the audience and performed a short improv show together. Bobby Lee, another MAD tv comedian, came on after their performance with a stand-up act of his own.

    At the end of the show, Feresten, Myrin, Peele and Lee sat on the edge of the stage and answered questions directly from the audience. They spoke about how they got their start in comedy, how the MAD tv show is put together, and performed impressions of people ranging from Morgan Freeman to Connie Chung to Tara Reid. They also offered advice to aspiring comedians and actors, saying that confidence was the key to succeeding in comedy. All of the performers spoke with students and signed autographs in the lobby after the show.

    The event was sponsored by the Center for Student Involvement and was the last stop on “The Get MAD tv with Spike Tour”, which also visited Arizona State University, University of Maryland and Michigan State University.


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