Lost: “Happily Ever After”

    Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick) waits for the electromagnetic craziness to ensue. Photo courtesy of ABC.com.

    Desmond is back, and so is this blog, brotha. So I’ve got my happily ever after.

    Unfortunately, our favorite time-displaced Scotsman isn’t as lucky. Desmond has been unwillingly brought back to the Island by his ever-scheming father-in-law Charles Widmore, who wants to see if Desmond can survive another explosion like the one inside the hatch back in Season 2, so he places Desmond inside a chamber and activates an electromagnetic radiation machine.


    And…we’re back on Flight Oceanic 815 in the flash-sideways timeline. Only this time, these scenes actually piqued my interest because, finally, they have a connection to the present events on the Island.

    In this alternate timeline, Desmond is apparently a successful businessman, loved by his employer, Charles Widmore. He has never heard of Penny.

    He is sent by Widmore to babysit Charlie, who tries to make Desmond “understand” by driving Des’s car into the water and pressing his hand against the window. And voila! Desmond suddenly recalls the image of Charlie in the Looking Glass station from back in season three. Flash-sideways Desmond remembers flashes of present Desmond.

    Most importantly, Desmond finds Penny after a trip to the Widmore mansion. On the Island, he wakes up and immediately agrees to help Widmore but joins Sayid minutes later.

    Flash-sideways Desmond begins his relationship with Penny and requests Oceanic 815’s flight manifest. “I just need to show them something,” he says with a smile, ending the episode.

    To me, this is one of the best episodes this season, up there with “Ab Aeterno.” First, the two timelines finally mean something. Hooray! For ten episodes, I’ve been criticizing the seemingly pointless alternate universe, but the writers have proven me wrong. Again. Second, the episode was straightforward and focused on the theme of love. No Flocke, no Jacob, just love. And finally, we saw some familiar faces.

    Moments that made me cheer:

    • The reappearance of George Minkowski, Charlie, Dan, Eloise and Penny in the flash-sideways.
    • Charlie recounting his version of the events on Flight 815 from the season premiere.
    • Daniel talking about seeing Charlotte for the first time. Aww.
    • Every time Desmond’s flash-sideways paralleled events that had happened on the Island. Some examples:
    • Desmond protects Charlie, the same way he did in season three.
    • Desmond gets to drink the MacCutcheon scotch.
    • Desmond runs into Jack again. The two were meant to see each other in another life.
    • Desmond is told by Eloise to stop searching for Penny. Whatever happened, happened.
    • Desmond meets Penny because no matter the timeline, they were bound to meet.
    • (I am obviously a big fan of Desmond.)

    Some new questions:

    • Widmore says Desmond must make a sacrifice. What is it? His life? (Please say no.)
    • What does Desmond need to show the passengers of Flight 815 in the alternate timeline?
    • Was Charlie’s vision that of Claire?
    • Why does Desmond bump into Jack, Hurley and Claire?
    • Why does Desmond follow Sayid into the jungle?
    • Most importantly, why does Eloise tell Desmond to stop searching? Is she aware of the two timelines?
    • Now that the two timelines overlap, what is the meaning behind each character’s alternate universe? Some lead perfect lives (Dan, Eloise, Desmond), but others face turmoil (Sun and Jin, Sayid, Kate). Why?

    Next week’s Hurley’s week. So be ready; the “Numbers” are coming.


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